Brief Guide on Installing OpenMPI from Source Code

A brief guide on installing OpenMPI from source code.

Download OpenMPI source code

Download the Open MPI release with the suffix .tar.gz from Open MPI’s Download page.

As far as the guide is written, the current stable release is openmpi-1.10.2.tar.gz.

Compile OpenMPI

  1. Uncompress the source code tar package. You may need to change the version part in openmpi-1.10.2 to the version you have downloaded just now.

     $ tar xvzf openmpi-1.10.2.tar.gz
     $ cd openmpi-1.10.2
  2. Compile Open MPI from source code.

     # use flag --enable-static to enable .a file for Open MPI library
     $ ./configure --prefix=/absolute/path/to/install --enable-static
     $ make
  3. Install Open MPI.

     $ make install
  4. Modify shell environment variables. We need to add the following environment variables to the shell environment setup script (/etc/profile for global install and ~/.bashrc for local install):

     export OMPI=/absolute/path/to/install
     export PATH=$PATH:$OMPI/bin
  5. Copy all files of /absolute/path/to/install and /etc/profile or ~/.bashrc to every node in the cluster.

  6. Done!