
Summary of Graph Datasets in Subgraph Matching Research

This blog summarizes the data graphs that are frequently used in isomorphism-based subgraph matching algorithm/system research. The surveyed literature is listed in the “Reference” section. Problem Definition of Isomorphism-based Subgraph Matching Given a single large data graph $D$ and a small query graph $q$, the target of subgraph isomorphi...


班主任手记:第一次班会 - 大学期间的时间管理

班会目标:本次班会是新生的第一次线下班会。希望能通过此班会,向新生们介绍如何做好时间管理,以充分利用好大学时光,为未来进入忙碌的职场提前开始准备。 This browser does not support PDF!


Fixing "File conversion failed" error in the Elsevier EVISE System

EVISE is the new editorial system of many Elsevier journals. Compared to the previous system Elsevier Editorial System (EES), EVISE is easier to use. However, it is much more difficult to debug when someone meets troubles during submission because the information given for troubleshooting is much vaguer than EES. I met the problem of “file conv...


Review of "Set Similarity Joins on MapReduce: An Experimental Survey"

Summary Critique Synthesis References This blog is my review of a recent experimental survey [1] on distributed set similarity join algorithms. Summary Many distributed algorithms for set similarity join (SSJ) have been proposed recently. They claim that they have achieved significant performance improvement over the previous methods. ...



为什么使用 JACK 而不是默认的音频驱动 ALSA? 安装 JACK 配置 JACK 配置用户组 配置 QJackctl 启动 JACK 调节系统音量上限 配置 JACK 开机自动启动 本篇将介绍在Deepin Linux中使用JACK提升音质的方法。 为什么使用 JACK 而不是默认的音频驱动 ALSA? 根据Deepin论坛《简单提升linux音效,实测有效》的帖子的说法,Deepin Linux使用的PulseAudio/ALSA声卡驱动效果并不好,只是能听个响,多环绕声等高级功能无法利用起来,导致收听效果没法和Win10/Mac比。而装上JACK之后,就能充分发...


Set HighDPI environment for Eclipse

To make Eclipse work well in the HighDPI environment in Linux, it needs to do the following configuration: Make the font look bigger (reference page): run eclipse with the environment variable GDK_DPI_SCALE. On GTK, the standard way to configure scaling for a single application is to set the GDK_DPI_SCALE environment variabl...


Solve the Netty version conflict in a Hadoop + gRPC program

Background Problem Solution Maven configuration Hadoop job configuration I want to use a newer version of gPRC (v1.8.0) in a MapReduce program with an old Hadoop version (v2.7.2). However, gRPC and Hadoop use different versions of Netty. I find a way to solve the version conflict. Background I try to use gRPC in a...


Util Code Update: Record Number Counter

Record Processing Counter Movitation Usage An update to my util code base! Record Processing Counter Visit code here. Movitation When the program are processing a group of records, you may want to know how many records the program have already processed and how fast the processing speed is. You may write code to cou...


Quick Check Cluster Status

Description Prerequests Shell script Usage Output Explain Free Memory Load Disk Performance Description Sometimes we need to quickly check the cluster status to make sure that the cluster is OK to run a task. Therefore I wrote a shell script to do the quick check. The script will check the free memory, loa...


Brief Guide on Installing OpenMPI from Source Code

Download OpenMPI source code Compile OpenMPI A brief guide on installing OpenMPI from source code. Download OpenMPI source code Download the Open MPI release with the suffix .tar.gz from Open MPI’s Download page. As far as the guide is written, the current stable release is openmpi-1.10.2.tar.gz. Compile OpenMPI Uncompress the s...
